妥思总部坐落在德国的纽克芬林,创立于1951年。在过去的50多年中, 妥思一直运用自身实力,不断地研制和开发新产品,为空气调节和通风行业提供了高质量的产品. 除德国3个现代化生产基地外, 公司还在中国, 英国, 新西兰, 西班牙, 意大利, 巴西, 南非, 马来西亚和南非建有生产基地. 在全世界范围内, 公司拥有21家子公司, 各子公司有其相应的销售处, 另外还有超过50家代理商. 所有这些确保了妥思的产品给客户提供优质的空气, 清洁的环境, 并确保了空调环境下的防火防烟实效.
TROX China is a fully owned subsidiary of TROX GMBH and established on July, 2001.
The Headquarter of TROX GMBH is located in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany. For the last 50 years, TROX has been developing and manufacturing high quality products and systems for the air conditioning and ventilation industry.
Along with the company's Head Office and 3 modern production facilities in Germany, TROX has manufacturing facilities in China, Great Britain, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Brazil, South Africa, Malaysia and Norway. A total of 21 subsidiaries, their pertaining sales offices and over 50 agencies in all continents assure that the air is good, that there is less dust and less noise and that there is maximum protection against fire and smoke in air conditioned rooms.